By: L’Arte Del Gelato

Yogurt turned into gelato keeps all its health benefits but gains a creamy, cool, consistency.  Here, the white gelato and berries meet to create a great classic. 

Fresh Yogurt with fruit

Ingredients: Serves 6

1 Cup ( 240 ml) heavy cream

1 tablespoon light colored honey

1 cup (200g) granulated sugar

3 cups (720 ml) unsweetened low- fat yogurt

Berry Sauce (recipe follows)


1/3 cup (50 g) strawberries

1/3 cup (50g) blueberries

1/3 cup (50g)  raspberries

1 cup (200g) granulated sugar


1.     In a saucepan, mix together the heavy cream, honey, and sugar and bring to 122 F (50C) over medium heat

2.     Let the mixture cool thoroughly in the refrigerator, about an hour and then mix in the yogurt

3.     Once the yogurt is thoroughly combined, pour the mixture into a gelato or ice cream maker and freeze according to the machines instructions.  You can also freeze in a container, covered in the freezer

4.     While the mixture is freezing, in a medium saucepan set over low heat, combine berries and the sugar and stir continuously as the mixtures, 10 to 15 minutes. 

Remove from heat and cool in refrigerator.  Serve on top of frozen yogurt mixture.  

courtesy of Abrams books

Jamestown Creative