Thank you for participating in Earth Day 2022 at Chelsea Market! With your help, we can make positive efforts toward sustainable farming and food justice for our neighborhood. In collaboration with local nonprofit Chelsea CSA and their partner, Stoneledge Farm, your donation helps provide fresh, weekly produce to members of our community!
Planting Instructions
For soil, use a fertile well-draining potting mix that’s tailored for vegetables. Lettuce thrives in cooler growing temperatures between 60–65°F, so it is best grown in the early spring or after the summer heat has passed. For the best quality leaves, provide full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight) without excessive heat.
Use our grow calendar tool to find specific dates for your region! Seeds germinate in 5-10 days.
Plant seeds every 3 weeks for a continuous supply of fresh lettuce.
All of our lettuce varieties are recommended for planting directly outdoors in the garden once the soil is warm enough to be worked. Plant 6 seeds per foot, in rows 12-18" apart. Cover seed lightly, about 1/8", and firm soil gently. Thin to one plant every 8-12" for full-size heads.
For larger head varieties, seeds can be started indoors in small containers or cell trays approximately 4 weeks before the desired transplant date. Transition outside (harden) for 3-5 days before outdoor transplant. Space 8-12” apart for full-sized heads.
For salad mixes or baby leaf growth, plant seeds in dense 2-4” bands, approximately 60 seeds per foot.
Cut lettuce heads at the base when they reach full size. If left to grow for too long they will start to elongate and go to seed, which turns them bitter. Wash in cold water and store in the refrigerator to crisp up.
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There are two different ways that tomato plants grow:
DETERMINATE (Bush): Varieties do not need pruning and may be grown with or without support; fruit ripens within a concentrated time period.
INDETERMINATE (Vining): Varieties should be staked, trellised, or caged, and pruned for best results; fruit ripens gradually over an extended period.
Tomatoes are long-growing, heat-seeking, sun lovers that do not tolerate frost. For soil, use a fertile well-draining potting mix that’s tailored for vegetables. For best growth, provide full sun (6+ hours of direct sunlight per day). Indeterminate varieties will need stakes, cages, or other support structures for best growth.
Use our grow calendar tool to find specific planting dates for your region! Seeds germinate in 7-14 days.
Start seeds indoors in start pots or trays 4-6 weeks before desired transplanting date. Don’t start too early, as root-bound transplants will be stunted and perform poorly. Plant seeds ¼" deep and thin to 1 plant per pot. Water only enough to keep the mix from drying out.
Transition outside (harden) for 7 days before outdoor transplant. Space 12-18" apart for determinate varieties. Indeterminate varieties will need 18-24" spacing. Be sure to set up any support structures shortly after transplanting.
For indeterminate varieties, gently prune small offshoots below larger branches to concentrate growth.
Abundant phosphorus is important for high yields. Too much nitrogen causes rampant growth and soft fruits susceptible to rot. Use a tomato-specific organic fertilizer as directed to ensure proper nutrient levels.
Prune indeterminate/vining tomatoes.
Leave your tomatoes on the vine as long as possible to fully ripen. Tomatoes are ready for picking when firm and very red in color, regardless of size, with perhaps some yellow remaining around the stem. Harvest with stems still attached.
Courtesy of
Our Partners
Chelsea CSA
Delivering local, organic produce weekly from Stoneledge Farm to Chelsea, NYC.
Stoneledge Farm
Certified organic vegetable farm located in Greene County, New York. Delivering CSA shares for over 25 years!
While growing your seeds at home, sign up for our newsletter to watch the growth of your donation. Get updates on the planting, harvesting, and donation of your crop, and don’t forget to stay tuned for a Chelsea Market recipe featuring your Earth Day produce.